We Promise for happy and hassle-free shopping
- Satisfaction guaranteed: free return within 30 days – no questions asked
- Authenticity guaranteed: cash refund if you have any doubt
- Risk free shopping: our return & refund policy is quick and easy
We want you to be happy with every purchase. If you are not satisfied with any item you bought – we offer free & easy returns with no questions asked. Don’t like the item, send it back. Need a different size, we offer free exchange. Changed your mind, you can return for any reason.
Products purchased on SMART BUY can be returned for free within 30 days of delivery. The item has to be unworn and in original packaging. The only return restriction applies to SWIMWEAR, LINGERIE, UNDERWEAR AND BEAUTY PRODUCTS which CANNOT BE RETURNED due to hygienic reasons.
All our items are new, authentic, and shipped in excellent condition. Should you ever encounter a defective item it will be replaced without restriction.